helpful activities

Table of Contents

this is a list of [45] helpful activities

1. On this list

1.1. review this list

1.2. add activity to this list

1.3. make physical copy of this list

2. Journal

2.1. write journal

2.2. review journal

read, and perhaps write a review

  • written review should be done at least once every week
  • tag: review

2.3. deep review journal

invovles a written review, take into scope journals and reviews in a longer time.

  • deeper review should be done at least once every month, 3 month, 6 months

2.4. set goal for the month

basically write a little paragraph on why and what to do about it.

3. On Notes

3.1. capture my thought

3.2. review the capture place

3.3. process captures

3.4. write zettels

3.5. analyse paper

3.6. build base knowledge

a specific activity where I read a paper, discover that I’m not equipped with enough base knowledge to make sense of it, then set off build that knowledge.

  • it’ll take long term time to sink in, so the building refers to building a easily referable part of my zettels

3.7. review notes

  • for any knowledge to sink in
  • scope may differ, can make task of them specifying entry point.

3.8. write something, anything

  • a paragraph, a dialog, a piece of novel… Anything.

3.9. perfecting local workflows

  • learn a keybinding for a small thing(like record keyboard macro)

3.10. learn about new ideas [from material]

3.11. note about new ideas

3.12. research on a topic

4. Cognitive power

4.1. meditate

4.2. fallback to idle [bored] state

use boredom as transition to next helpful activity.

  • just stop doing anything, find a place to relax and stop thinking for a few minutes.

4.3. evoke growth mindset

think “I’m choosing to do this because I’ll benefit from ti”

  • it is good to boost motivation to embark on a thing I don’t feel like doing but knows it’ll really be helpful if I have done it.

4.4. drink water

4.5. drink ag1

4.6. cold shower

4.7. Read book

for fun or for ideas.

5. stay organized

local plan is welcomed and essential in unstructured approach.

5.2. plan the part of day

5.3. review day plan

5.4. review agenda

5.5. review global TODO inbox

I decided to have all TODOs in one place and review them just like I review my captures.

6. Physical power

6.1. Hitting Gym [every day]

It does not matter if I have a routine going. I can just take the routine on the app.

  • fallback: I do cardio for 10 minutes at start and end, and do 6 sets of 6 reps of each exercise I know(push up, pull-up, squat, bridge).
  • it is a helpful structure to hit the gym every day.

6.2. brush teeth

6.3. exercise anytime

to break static streak.

  • exercise every once in a while
    • 30 minutes
    • everytime I think of it
    • everytime something atomic is done
    • everytime I look at clock and think I have not exercise my body in this hour

7. Chores

7.1. Clean my room

7.2. Calling my parents

Saturday Noon. Stuff on my life, career, etc.

8. Sleep scheme

8.1. get out at ~7

8.2. sleep at ~22

9. Eat

9.1. Eat meals

  • beware eat less. Eating less do not cause problem, eating too much do.

9.2. Cook meals

  • cook in batch is a good idea

10. Arts

10.1. practice singing

10.2. practice speaking

10.3. practice jazz piano

10.4. practice piano skill

finger independence, clean steady finger movement

10.5. practice guitar skill

finger independence, clean steady finger movement

11. Avoid harmful activities

One way to avoid is to fallback to bored state gracefully after being aware that I’m doing a harmful activity

11.1. Watch TV

  • I tend to watch too much TV. Try not watch 2 different episodes in a row.

11.2. play game

I tend play too much. try not play 2 rounds in a row



(Be happy and better - guidelines, tools and principles)

helpful activity


  • not aware of any structure other than perhaps a plain list of helpful activities. require training to include other structures: like may be required to remember to prepare for every piece of work. but it is easy to use this perspective to help start preparing for each piece of work, tho it can seem to be quite a burden.
  • stochastic - it’s based on what you thought of at the moment. engineering your environment may help.

current life script

(helpful activities)

On paradigm I use is the helpful activities. Generally, without a deterministic time/schedule, I just do activity on the list randomly. On one hand, they could well serve as source of spontaneity; on the other, I could have a rule with options to do one activity from the list.

(rule (custom-timer "randomly active") ;; could change to more educated condition in the furture
      (action "do a helpful activity for 30 minutes") ;; ideally, time and activity should be randomly set, so I don't have to think about them.

(2024 > 02 - February > <2024-02-17 Sat>)

in 02/17/24 to 02/18/24, created 594 nodes (this is not accurate, I think that probably is the day I move everything from /home/Notes to /home/Dropbox/Notes)

old index


Sometimes I completely forget about anything I’m trying to keep track of. Here provides some information about where do I start to reload all that.

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-05 Fri 02:23