solidify = repetition

Table of Contents

In every scenario, to solidify anything, means repeating it.

1. interpretation

  • solidify means being proficient at something, to recall information at will, to perform action at will.
  • the short reaction time means quick thinking, which relates to subconsciousness that is untouchable directly with explicit thinking, but influenced by experience over a long period.
  • The only way to solidify a piece of information or a skill with educated primitives, is to repeat it in some way, thus adds up to exposure to it in the experience that would affect quick thinking

1.1. as opposed to one-shot narrative

one-shot narrative referes to the story in which:

I read about some information, I made mindmap about it, I came up with interesting ideas, and they thus would be in my brain, I'd be recalling them as I like

The activities I performed in the first half is purely discovery: read stuff, mindmaping, come up with ideas. being able to recallling information is sign of the information being solidified.

Discovery doesn’t mean solidification. If anything, discovery signal the idea not being solidified, as it is new and solidified information can’t be new.

2. respond

  • aim for repetition in narrative when thinking one thing is important and intend to solidify, consciously increase exposure to it by doing activity starring it repeatedly.
    • if it’s a piece of information, talk about it, teach about it, decomposite it in different ways, combine it with other ideas in different ways.
    • if it’s an action, practice it over and over again
    • do more repetition in one session
    • schedule intermittent sessions over long period


Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 20:59