growth mindset
Table of Contents
"I choosed to do this, it will benefit me".
The mindset comprise of a set of typical arguments1.
- man’s ability can grow by learning and practice.
- man’s ability and situation is not fixed and could get better
- Doing [this activity] would benefit man
- Doing hard, annoying thing would get man goods.
1. effect
- motivation booster
- remove tradition barrirer, which typically act as a motivation compressor.
2. scientific proof
There may be some. It is based on valid modern view on brain.
think of reward
- I invented this idea myself from my observation, but I heard that a very similar idea is present in Carol Dweck’s 2006 book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, with the name growth mindset(from Dr.Hubermann’s Podcast)
old index
(Mindset and lifestyle - useful stuff)
- ditch volume control
- attention counts
- think of reward
- growth mindset
- dopamine schedule
- low information diet
- attending and slipping
- solidify = repetition
- human cycle
- Quality vs. Duration
- one-shot job
- equality as in shared access
- physical mental environment
- wired
- time for waking up
- graph and text as primitive actions in state space of ideas
- output patterns as primitive for understanding
- states
(Be happy and better - guidelines, tools and principles)
- dopamine schedule
- ditch volume control
- attention counts
- think of reward
- growth mindset is the kind of thing that is weirdly good for everything
- daily ritual
- helpful activity and helpful activities
- Herman’s Life Policies holds some of my propositions on how to live in the abstraction of policy
- low information diet
- base task on material
focus booster
(behavioural tools)
- confident think “I’m confident about this”
- growth mindset think “I’m going to benefit from this work”
(or axioms, as they looks and works a lot like beliefs rather than scientific arguments depending on other research results)