physical mental environment
Table of Contents
physical mental environment refers to parts in the physical environment that particularly interacts with your mental state.
1. example: computer desktop
When one wake his computer up, what first pop up on his desktop would automatically be focused on, perceived, processed, what was related would be recalled.
If it is game from last night, they would probably keep playing; if it is a resaerch document, they may crack on reading.
It is a prominent part of one’s environment
2. example: posters
one may have posters on their walls, posters that recalls feelings and mental states(excitement, delight, blues, motivation)
old index
(Mindset and lifestyle - useful stuff)
- ditch volume control
- attention counts
- think of reward
- growth mindset
- dopamine schedule
- low information diet
- attending and slipping
- solidify = repetition
- human cycle
- Quality vs. Duration
- one-shot job
- equality as in shared access
- physical mental environment
- wired
- time for waking up
- graph and text as primitive actions in state space of ideas
- output patterns as primitive for understanding
- states
(Be honest and truthful - facts and observations)
- dopamine schedule
- time for waking up
- physical mental environment
- wired
- attending and slipping
- human cycle
- Quality vs. Duration
- I use lifestyle script to model my lifestyle. current life script holds the current iteration
- skepticism is a lifestyle, and I really like it