human cycle
Table of Contents
human body operates on several cycles.
- ultradian cycle [90+-20 minutes]
- circadian cycle [24 hours]
- circaseptan cycle [7 days]
old index
(Mindset and lifestyle - useful stuff)
- ditch volume control
- attention counts
- think of reward
- growth mindset
- dopamine schedule
- low information diet
- attending and slipping
- solidify = repetition
- human cycle
- Quality vs. Duration
- one-shot job
- equality as in shared access
- physical mental environment
- wired
- time for waking up
- graph and text as primitive actions in state space of ideas
- output patterns as primitive for understanding
- states
(Be honest and truthful - facts and observations)
- dopamine schedule
- time for waking up
- physical mental environment
- wired
- attending and slipping
- human cycle
- Quality vs. Duration
- I use lifestyle script to model my lifestyle. current life script holds the current iteration
- skepticism is a lifestyle, and I really like it