think of reward

Table of Contents

When deciding to do or not do a thing, some obvious reward and loss would came to mind.

thinking of loss
make me redundant to perform the action
thinking of reward
make me determined and calm to perform the action

It is worth noting that both thinking are merely worthless(in term of the ideas), but the effect they do to the consciouseness state is note-worthy.

1. interpretation

  • primitive instinct to optimization, getting reward and avoiding loss.
  • can’t keep track of both reward and loss and calculate which outweight which
  • filled with only loss or reward, even only 1 loss or 1 reward.

2. integration

  • use with caution – it’s radical tool.
  • think of loss on action that I don't want to take: play game, watch tv

    action loss
    play game losing calmness, losing focus(eye can’t focus), losing mindset for reading for a long time
    watch tv losing patient, losing thinking ability, losing energy, losing the episodes for really relax times
  • think of reward on action that I want to perform: research, read, work out

    aciton reward
    research know more about the field, getting integerity and confidence, being closer to objectives, enjoy the process, could use emacs and zotero
    read provoking more ideas, getting more knowledge, improve reading skill…
    work out be fit, body aroused to a ready state, healthier, feels better generally…

3. references

  • I invented this idea myself from my observation, but I heard that a very similar idea is present in Carol Dweck’s 2006 book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, with the name growth mindset(from Dr.Hubermann’s Podcast)



(Be happy and better - guidelines, tools and principles)

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 23:14