helpful activity

Table of Contents

A perspective of activity that encourages contact/engage.

1. In use

  1. thinking the entir life as time continuouslly engaging in helpful activities
  2. with an activity, ask self, “is this gonna be helpful?” if confirmative, then engage immediately

2. script utility

help to select helpful activity to embark.

(defun random-goto-line ()
 (goto-line (random (1+ (car (buffer-line-statistics))))))

(defun random-visit-file-buffer-line (file)
  (find-file file)

3. pro

  • increase engagement to activities overall. There’s less “fearing to attempt”, as nothing else than helpfulness, which honestly can be quite multi paradigm and vaguely true(you can deem most things as helpful to something), will be taken into account.
  • is unstructured approach
  • easily working, does not require much training or customization.

4. con

  • not aware of any structure other than perhaps a plain list of helpful activities. require training to include other structures: like may be required to remember to prepare for every piece of work. but it is easy to use this perspective to help start preparing for each piece of work, tho it can seem to be quite a burden.
  • stochastic - it’s based on what you thought of at the moment. engineering your environment may help.


old index


Sometimes I completely forget about anything I’m trying to keep track of. Here provides some information about where do I start to reload all that.


(Be happy and better - guidelines, tools and principles)

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 20:21