Table of Contents
Planning is the activity of producing a plan. A plan can be in various design and structure, yet the act of planning comprise of several activity that stays the same
no matter what kind of plan is produced:
- defining goal state (express, represent)
- defining current state
- defining primitives (a list of most simple/basic actions one can perform)
- defining approach (composition of primitives, using only primitives to connect current state and goal state)
1. self management
The highlight of this in self management is the awareness of primitive
. These are skills we have learnt to do.
In many cases people make unpractical plan assuming a complex task to be finished at once, yet only realise they don’t know how to do it at the time it is scheduled.
If every instruction is articulated in term of primitives, such case could be avoided.
2. robotics
This framework is used in robotics planning too, where primitives would be actions like move left or move right, perhaps have action model sampled if probablistic approach is taken. And approach would be a sequence of action or observation + action.
old index
(Tools, skills and cheatsheets)
Stuff under doc directory.
- cheatsheet
- web technology
- keyboard for all
- speaking english
- tridactyls
- note-taking
- dance
- sleep
- memory skill
- documentation
- org-roam : This braindump’s working mechnism.
- org-ref
- org-mode
- lilypond
- emacs
- visualization
- playing game on linux
- git
- docker
- youtube-dl
- tailscale
- rime
- planning
- using chatGPT
- finding resource
old index
(Tools, skills and cheatsheets)
Stuff under doc directory.
- cheatsheet
- web technology
- keyboard for all
- speaking english
- tridactyls
- note-taking
- dance
- sleep
- memory skill
- documentation
- org-roam : This braindump’s working mechnism.
- org-ref
- org-mode
- lilypond
- emacs
- visualization
- playing game on linux
- git
- docker
- youtube-dl
- tailscale
- rime
- planning
- using chatGPT
- finding resource