keyboard for all
Table of Contents
Using keyboard to do all the things on the computer.
1. Softwares/Hardware/tools
- window management
- i3
- text file manipulatnoi
- emacs
- firefox
- tridactyls
- firefox+chrome
- vimium (a simpler tridactyls)
- Mouse substitution
- stylus - use stylus to accurately navigate mouse(and draw, and play game)
- ergodox ez - mouse layer - map keyboard to screen areas, move mouse with arrow key
- trackpoint - renowned mouse control hardware by Lenovo
- Game
- game controller
old index
(Tools, skills and cheatsheets)
Stuff under doc directory.
- cheatsheet
- web technology
- keyboard for all
- speaking english
- tridactyls
- note-taking
- dance
- sleep
- memory skill
- documentation
- org-roam : This braindump’s working mechnism.
- org-ref
- org-mode
- lilypond
- emacs
- visualization
- playing game on linux
- git
- docker
- youtube-dl
- tailscale
- rime
- planning
- using chatGPT
- finding resource