Table of Contents
The music type setting software system I used to write music on computer.
- I use it even more than pen and paper. My music composing tools now is only recorder and lilypond
Lilypond is like latex, it got its own programming language, with variables and stuff.
1. errors
when mistery additional note showed up:
\version "2.24.1" \relative c' { ces' c'es }
an es
old index
(Tools, skills and cheatsheets)
Stuff under doc directory.
- cheatsheet
- web technology
- keyboard for all
- speaking english
- tridactyls
- note-taking
- dance
- sleep
- memory skill
- documentation
- org-roam : This braindump’s working mechnism.
- org-ref
- org-mode
- lilypond
- emacs
- visualization
- playing game on linux
- git
- docker
- youtube-dl
- tailscale
- rime
- planning
- using chatGPT
- finding resource