Jeff Schneider’s 10 licks

Table of Contents

Here are 10 licks from Jeff Schneider’s presentation.

NEXT step: bring them in here with lilypond, and/or script utility to transpose them to all 12 keys(or just the main ones, in this order (as in this post) C,F,EB,G,Bb,Ab)

0.0.1. 10 licks for jazz

0.0.2. 1 - Maj7 freshman

7 1 3 5 7

  • by itself
  • initiating a longer phrase

0.0.3. 2 - m7 freshman

2 3 5 7 9

0.0.4. 3 - reverse m7 freshman

9 7 5 3 2 [1 ]

0.0.5. 4 - giant leap Maj7/7

1 2 3 5

  • tritone it - 7alt b5 b13 b7 b9 => V -> I

0.0.6. 5 - turnaround m7

5 3 2 1

  • 7 9 b7 6 5
  • 7alt (tritone substituion) 9 b7 6 5 b6 b4 b3 b2 | 1

0.0.7. 6 minor bebop 7

2 3 M7 2 1

0.0.8. 7 the bird bebop iim7 V7 IMaj7

in I’s term: 4 3 2 1 7 b6 4 #4 5 in each’s term: ii: 3 2 1 7 V: 3 b9 7 #7 I: 5

0.0.9. 8 david baker bebop 7

1 M7 7 2 6 5

0.0.10. 9 the trane bebop scale ii7 V7 1Maj7

in I’s term: 5 #4 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 7 2 1

0.0.11. 10 Donna lee 7

3 5 b7 9 6 5


Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 19:37