
Table of Contents

xdg-open (alias open)is a linux destop utility to open a file with a prefered program.

don’t know what xdg means, x desktop gnome?

1. usage

xdg-open duckduckgo.com open ~/file.txt

2. setting default program

xdg-mime default xx.desktop inode/directory

This would create an entry like

[Default Applications]

in ~/.conifg/mimeapps.list

3. links



linux (GNU/linux) is a unix-like operating system, where:

  • linux(linux-libre) kernel

is necessarily present, and:

  • unix-like shell (bash,zsh,fish,sh)
  • FOSS software/content (with GPL, APEX, MIT, CC)

are very likely to be present.

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 20:16