homogeneous content
Table of Contents
Contents that are similar in format or delivery.
This property is superficial. It is based on their looks.
1. examples
- Streaming TV/film/video (epidodes are homogeneous in the same show, shows are homogeneous in the same category)
- Instagram timeline
- Game (levels in same game; levels in all platform games)
2. counter examples
what are not hogogeneous content
- hacker news - posts are of very different nature.
- ice cream with crunch - there’s soft, there’s crisp.
wiredness narrows
While in the wired state, the context of homogeneous content which you are wired to would narrow in the course of time.
For example, if you are wired to “browsing instagram”, in 30 minutes time, it would be just “scrolling one reel thread”; if you are wired to “watching netflix”, in 2 hours time it would be just “fast forward, next episode”, saving the search, refering to your watch list, or selecting.
wired to phone
a phenomenon happens to lots, where they’d stare at their screen, on Netflix or Instagram, with a bunch of homogeneous content, for a long time.
It is generally not a good idea, base on my experience on being wired to phone
Wired/wiredness/staticity refers to the state where:
- your attention is [intensively] projected to a fixed, small space [screen, cat, mostly screen]
- the state tends to enhence itself, resulting in you focusing on a fixed, small space for a long time.
my experience on being wired to phone
(Being wired - 10 minutes?)
After an amount of time, in my cases could be 10 minutes, some of the following would happen:
- shortened breath [most often]
- dire need of more of the homogeneous content [almost always]
- tension building up over head area(around eye, scalp)
- decreased motivation on everything else
- decreased motivation on any change(changing from side to side, moving from kitchen to room,)
- decreased movement and alert
- loss of speech
- consequences of stay in the same position for an extended period of time(sore, joint pain, etc.)
avoid getting wired by heterogenizing activity
- heterogenizing activity
alternate delivery, format, nature in general of the focused material, and/or method of attention.
For example, on one’s way to understand a concept such as “what is PID controller”, they may go through the following activities:
- homogenous version: watch film[on film] -> watch film[on film] -> read passage[on words] -> watch film[on film]
- heterogeneous version: watch film[on film] -> literate idea[on reasoning, concepts, and observation] -> read article[on words] -> talk about the idea [serializing components] -> make graph [imagine, visualization]
- heterogenization in action
controll the time you continuously do one thing; when having done it for long, change it’s delivery, format, or topic.
When you have written code on computer for 30 minutes, stop writing it and either take a look at the design, draw a graph of the code[format], sum up the progress, write it on paper, check the logic, or just do some little exercise.
- why
homogeneous content would cause one to be wired, which is not good for creative experience for many reasons.
heterogenizing focused materials/means of analysis prevent one to be wired because of this.
- (no term)
- phone in heterogenizing activity