
Table of Contents

Here stores how I use tag and meaning of some of them.

1. How I use tags

in zettelkasten I use tags as entrance to navigation notes.
in GTD I use tags to assist review and action selection while engage.

2. context tags

@grocery, @piano, @library are context tags. They mean that the task would be better or only possible carried out in the corresponding context

3. List of tags

tag meaning
  special tags
span task that is to make tasks, related to
agenda task/project that I kept on agenda/dashboard
someday task/project that I want to do much later in time
agi task that relates to agi research
ref reference and bookmarks.


Herman’s systems

(Current > way-of-life)

initiated by me; target of weekly review; my way of life; general system


This is self-documentation of this knowledge base. Tools, representations and procedures are included

my GTD integration
capture - review
my research system
research with the notes.
doors to the building of notes

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 20:16