recreate book with zettels

Table of Contents

one way to read and take note about books is to recreate the book with zettels

1. why it make sense

You can write a book with zettels, i.e. compiling zettels serially, it’s imperative that you can do the reverse.

This echos with the idea of understanding a topic being having an internel organization of ideas relating to the topic, which here represented with zettels.

This also echos with the idea of deserialization

2. notes

  • most times don’t need the full book zettelkasten – the zettelkasten which represents the whole book. only need parts, subgraphs of it.


creative understanding


common and and intuitive way is to do discussion of this idea: writing definitions, proofs, tutorials, illustrations, teach it to someone else etc.

Another way of looking at it is to see the whole paper as a polished compilation zettel, copying each reference into the main text, then it is intuitive to recreate it with bunch of zettels

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 23:16