
Table of Contents

1. export

Of all freeplane export options:

  • jpg and png are good enough to illustrate
  • clickable XHTML is js and looks exactly like that in app

2. prob/sol

2.1. UI scaling

  1. navigate to toolbar/tools/preferences
  2. under tab “appearance”, section “look and feel”, there is a “monitor size(inches)” field, set it to your monitor size (default is 43, so really small for most as usually home-pc display don’t go beyond 27-inch)
not working
  • the -Dsun.jav2d.uiScale option don’t work at all.
look and feel

There are themes with different look and feel, like “GTK+”, “FLAT *”, “Atom One Dark Contrast (Material)”. They are of different UI scaling.

16 inch + GTK+ ~= 30 inch + Atom One Dark Contrast (Material). ~= 37? inch + Flat *

3. export script

 boolean overwriteExistingFile = true
 def filename = '/tmp/' +'.mm$', '.pdf')
 // English localization
 c.export(, new File(filename), 'Portable Document Format (PDF) (.pdf)', overwriteExistingFile)
 // German localization
 //c.export(, new File(filename), 'Portables Dokumentenformat (PDF) (.pdf)', overwriteExistingFile)

4. freeplane shortcuts

command shortcut
jump in shift-Esc
jump out M-Esc
jump to root Esc
toggle fold/unfold SPC
move around arrow keys
  • jump out changed from C-Esc to M-Esc, as C-Esc is bound to system activity monitor in kubuntu

5. Log

5.1. <2024-04-07 Sun>

I tried to search for command line export solutions so that I could have mindmap exported in my zettelkasten.

I thought this is an elementary feature and should have easy answer, but after search through doc and internet, it seems that there’s no ready script I could just snatch. I had to understand groovy, how to interact with freeplane and write my own, which is a bit complex.

For now I plan to just export by hand, to where mindmap is, and attach the file to where I want it to be


old index

(linux related)

mindmap softwares


Goodies about freeplane:

looks nice
there’s a bunch of built-in styles, and you can make your templates
the template is not limited to visual style, but branches also
lots of shortcut
there’s lots of shortcut, and you can define your own
user script and node filter
you can write them
move nodes around
you can drag and rearrange them around
notes on node
sometimes you want to write a lot in a node, F3 on it can edit a note that does not mess with your outline.
representation in xml
so it’s relatively convenient if you want to write scripts converting it to other format (like org-mode)

zettelkasten activity report

(2024 > 02 - February > <2024-02-17 Sat>)

in 02/17/24 to 02/18/24, created 594 nodes (this is not accurate, I think that probably is the day I move everything from /home/Notes to /home/Dropbox/Notes)

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-14 Sun 03:23