reactive workflow

Table of Contents

workflow in which the operator(the human) do not initiate activity proactively, instead reactively recieving order or requesting order from one same source(e.g supervisor, upstream of task pipeline, agenda/TODO list etc.)

1. example

The most simple kind of reactive workflow is completing a simple todo list.

The workflow would consist of 2 primitives:

  1. find next item on the todo list
  2. enact the item

In the workflow, human operator’s behaviour is rather deterministic: they will do tasks as scripted in a uniformed manner, instead of coming up with task after one is completed or distracted to a task during another

2. notion of event/activity

typically, they will have a trigger which is constantly externally(by machine) checked. For example, an alarm to prepare for bed


kernel routine

kernel routine is a PWA schedule management tool to aid reactive workflow, written in clojurescript.

kernel routine

(options and game)

The schedule is intended to be designed in a way that bulk of the activities are threaded (finished wake up => drink hot water pop off, finished drink hot water => gym pop off), with mutual exclusive choices (doing gym would discard meditation in the morning) which can have long-term impact (doing gym would make lunch appear earlier)

In working, there should be about 3 to 5 options to choose from whenever you looked at it, and they will change after you have choosed something, making using it quite game-like, comparable to text-based advanture games.

Additionally, in design the schedule predicates should be clojurescript itself(it is now a custom-implmented lisp with about 3 functions, because I did not find a good way to include a clojurescript runtime, the eval function, in PWA), so the sequence of event could be super complicated with lots of task sequences, in theory merging every workflow that could be represented as reactive workflow: you can do dedicated session in it, you can do in it, forming an extensible day-to-day adventure system.

On extensiveness, you could have, for example, imported a pack of “kernel routines” initiated by “going to the seaside”, and including all sort of sequences of things you can do in the seaside, with an option “going back home” to discard them all. Or a guide pack “One-day tour in Liverpool”, with places to check out in liverpool, and viable options like “going to the world museum”, “going to walker gallery”, “check out city library” when you finished “get to lime street station” (they are all around lime street station in 5 minutes walk)

dedicated session

An emacs package assisting enaction of a reactive workflow which I named dedicated session. This work is intended as case study for a more general reactive workflow management package, but later orphaned as I find that particular workflow not very useful, writing it messed up my mind, and various doubt of whether complex workflow would ever work or be necessary.

I’m still generally optimistic about the idea of reactive workflow, so I may return to it in the future


dedicated session

An emacs package assisting enaction of a reactive workflow which I named dedicated session. This work is intended as case study for a more general reactive workflow management package, but later orphaned as I find that particular workflow not very useful, writing it messed up my mind, and various doubt of whether complex workflow would ever work or be necessary.

I’m still generally optimistic about the idea of reactive workflow, so I may return to it in the future


Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 23:22