select thinking primitives to better mental state

Table of Contents

Certain mental state caused by poisonous thought and nebulous terms apply unnecesary cognitive loads

By thinking exclusively with a defined definite set of primitives, those states could be avoided.

1. avoiding poisonous thoughts

As selection of primitives affects the vicinity of the state space, poisonous thoughts could be avoided, simply by programming the set of thinking primitives to only a small, limited set all of whose elements are miles from those poisonous thoughts.

  • example: When think mainly with the following 5 primitives(they don’t cover all), it’s almost impossible to have any poisonous thought
    • set
      • growth mindset - I can do _ so that I get better at _
      • define _
      • examplify _
      • illustrate _
      • to write a program with _
    • thinkings all practical, functional and positive thinkings.
      • “I can do some research on this paper, define the tech terms and examplify the technique, so that I would know one more technique in machine learning and get better at it.”
      • “let’s illustarte this idea with a graph”
      • “I can write a program with this technique(in lisp!) to experiment about it”


primitive action

primitive action is defined as an atomic action that is simple and self-evident to you, such that you know how it’s done without reference. Examples would be Travel from Location A to Location B, Buy Alcohol, Cook meal.

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 23:17