Aubret, Arthur and Matignon, Laetitia and Hassas, Salima ::: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Intrinsic Motivation in Reinforcement Learning: A Survey

Table of Contents

A thorugh survey on Intrinsic Motivation in 2023




Here’s a script to insert multiple org-roam nodes

(defun hermanhel-strings-to-hash (strings)
  "Convert a list of STRINGS to a hash table with the strings as keys."
  (let ((hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
    (dolist (str strings)
      (puthash str t hash))

(defun hermanhel-org-roam-insert-multiple-nodes-as-list ()
     (candidates (hermanhel-strings-to-hash (org-roam--get-titles)))
     (selected-nodes (citar--select-multiple "References: " candidates))
(dolist (title selected-nodes)
      (insert "+ " "[[roam:" title "]]" "\n")

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 19:37