Samsonovich :: Socially Emotional Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture Framework for Artificial Intelligence

Table of Contents

This article describes Samsonovich’s Cognitive architecture focused on emotion and social interaction behaviour modelling for AI.

AI <-> Human => social => emotion => artificial intelligence emotion => eBICA(Samsonovich’s previous work, published in 2013, 2018).

1. outline

endowing it with fluents describing (the newly added feature), in addition to appraisals, somatic markers, feelings, emotions, moods, emotional reactions and biases
building blocks
  • moral schema
  • semantic maps -> self-organization(learning)
factors of interaction
  • plan and commitment
  • moral and ethical value
  • somatic comfort


org-roam roam-refs

(reflink example)

  • for ROAM_REFS: @samsonovichSociallyEmotionalBraininspired2020

    cite:@samsonovichSociallyEmotionalBraininspired2020 (for org-cite)
    cite:samsonovichSociallyEmotionalBraininspired2020 (for org-ref)
    (omitting single opening and closing brackets to avoid them being interpreted as cite links)

    occurances in other files would be gethered in the reflink section

  • for ROAM_REFS:

    [[]] occurances would be gethered Samsonovich :: Socially Emotional Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture Framework for Artificial Intelligence

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 20:57