Samsonovich :: Socially Emotional Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture Framework for Artificial Intelligence
Table of Contents
This article describes Samsonovich’s Cognitive architecture focused on emotion and social interaction behaviour modelling for AI.
- morale
- AI <-> Human => social => emotion => artificial intelligence emotion => eBICA(Samsonovich’s previous work, published in 2013, 2018).
1. outline
- features
- endowing it with
fluents describing
(the newly added feature), in addition to appraisals, somatic markers, feelings, emotions, moods, emotional reactions and biases - building blocks
- moral schema
semantic maps
-> self-organization(learning)
- factors of interaction
- plan and commitment
- moral and ethical value
- somatic comfort
org-roam roam-refs
(reflink example)
ROAM_REFS: @samsonovichSociallyEmotionalBraininspired2020
cite:@samsonovichSociallyEmotionalBraininspired2020 (for org-cite) cite:samsonovichSociallyEmotionalBraininspired2020 (for org-ref) (omitting single opening and closing brackets to avoid them being interpreted as cite links)
occurances in other files would be gethered in the reflink section
[[]] occurances would be gethered Samsonovich :: Socially Emotional Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architecture Framework for Artificial Intelligence