social as primitive

Table of Contents

in general context, use talk to people about {your idea, their idea} as a primitive action.

1. tweak

this is a tweak to bring close the state of being socialized, knowing people's ideas and people know mine. This state have a lot of benefit of being socialized

2. In action

here are some exmaples in actions:

2.1. talk to people about your idea

take an idea, find a person who might be interseted, and ask them what they’d think of it “I’ve been thinking, you can use zettelkasten to write code with more literacy in it, have developed it a bit, what do you think of it?”

2.2. talk to people about their idea

First to check on the community channels(mastodon, slack, wechat group) once in a while to find there are interesting ideas, and if there are, talk to person who said it about it.

  • clarification - if anywhere is not clear enough, or you want examples “hey David, that idea on using tailwind is interesting, I like how I can write simple stuff directly in the JSX, but how would you deal with it when you want to write complex stuffs like animations or gradients, or :hover, extending class and .div.imgs?”
  • interaction - throw in your own ideas, built on top of it, and ask the same as in talk to people about your idea


top of my mind

this is a navigation of ideas I want to keep at the top of my mind, yet too lazy or can’t carry a physical copy of.

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 23:21