customizing reasoning

Table of Contents

Logic can be defined with a 2-tuple of sets: axioms and rules.

To customize reasoning, is to customize the 2 sets.

1. examples

  • propositional logic is likely a very basic one where other logic take snippets of
  • modal logic take snippets from propositional logic and added some axioms and some rules.
  • types of modal logic(epistemic logic, temporal logic) apply different additional rules to their pointed world model.
  • NAL(Non-Axiomatic Logic) replaced notion of propositional logic axioms with fixed true or false value, into a customized notion of dynamic knowledge base(with variable true or fale value). And a set of rules to include notion of actuating and goal, etc.

2. why and how

Purpose of designing a such customized logic is to create a formal tool to reason a specific domain.

The domain could be field like “on mining”, “on time relations” or on ontology like “we only care about if someone has knowledge of something, we don’t care about when, did they killed the victim, or if they have eaten dinner.” or “relation between past experience and current imagination of future”.

These tools can aid thinking(a view to decompose a blob), make it easier to represent some ideas which helps smoothen discussion, or can be used algorithmatically on computers for you to query stuff you are too lazy or stupid to find out yourself.



Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 23:23