about this zettelkasten

Table of Contents

This zettelkasten is my second zettelkasten with org-roam, and my 5th zettelkasten of all(there’s one other with Roam Research, 2 others with Obsidian).

This zettelkasten uses the org-roam implementation of zettelkasten. I typically use this zettekasten inside emacs, where zettelkasten primitives like search for note, create note, create link to note, find backlinks are implemented in the org-roam package and could be called with one custom keybinding.

There’s a public html export of this zettelkasten on Gehninfel (link). I did not filter the draft tag, so everything’s on there. In the future I might want to change this.

There are 5 main categories/directories to the notes:

ideas in the most literate form
compilation, blog and tutorials
noting something that I did not come up with
typically on code-heavy notes and those that tangles
on projects, archive, description.

I currently use a giant index zettel to keep all of my notebase connected. Now it is one file with about 100 outgoing links to other zettels. In future I’ll make more intermediate navigation/index notes and replace some links on index with them.

I don’t use tags in the zettelkasten, but use navigation notes, with the latter half of the idea Tag and link: Gate and corridor.



This index holds links to some ideas on this zettelkasten

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 20:20