attendence is necessary only for those who need the seminar

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For a seminar or lecture, there’s people who already know it and people who don’t. If they both come, as the lecture is only meant to teach people who don’t know the content to know it, people who already know it can’t have much gain from the lecture, so it will be a waste of time for them to come in.

moreover, if only people who need the seminar have come in, the lecture can present in more plain details and nobody will be bored; students can ask stupid questions as others there are as ignorant to the content as they are, so no embarrassment.

1. reference

I snapped this point from a conversation with my teaching assistent in complex information network, Estelle Varloot


seminar attendence

The attendence problem, where students do not attend to in-person seminar has been a long-standing phenomenon in many institutes. There’s various intepretations to this phenomenon:

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 20:58