soft human assumption

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soft human assumption is the assumption that human behaviour is not strictly symbolic(hard) logical, but loose and probablistic(soft).

An analogy is that, when you have a hard, rigidly defined object, such as a cup, you can move it and all of the particles of it goes with it; if you have a softer object, like a big dough, if you push it, it may change shape and not be all gone; if you farted, you can fan with you hand but you can only diminish the smell and a small portion of it would last quite a while.

Human behaviour is like fart. When observed, it is there, you can describe it, but if you want to make any modification to it, what you do can only influcence the magnitude of behaviour occuring.

1. The degree of science in it

As of now I’m backing it with my experience on human condition. A more scientific formulation would have something to do with the plasticity of brain or the probabilistic nature of mechnism of brain.


Here lists some of my working assumptions. Some of them are hypotheses in natural science sence, and some of them I use as rather primitive assumption that I prioritize along with or before the assumptions of natural science.


Notes on general living. Includes way of work and leisure

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 23:24