critical recall time

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A piece of knowledge will be considered in a discussion only if you can summon it in a short amount of time.

Critical recall time is the time after which you either would shift the discussion into recalling that piece of knowledge or halt the discussion completely, or if you are wise enough, to give up using it and turn to those that you can recall promptly.

1. example

you want to build an artificial intelligence system with machine learning components. You want to use image processing to do route planning, and you recall vaguely of a technique that visualizes a route and do image processing on it. But you can’t recall what it exactly is, and you don’t have a point on how it could be done.

You contemplated for a while trying to recall details of the paper where you read it, but failed, that’s 5 mintues in; then you scrolled through your reference library, but did not find it, that’s 10 minutes in; you wrote the idea done, but still don’t have a way to embody it; at this point it is suffice to say you won’t be able to use this idea in this project.


reference retrivial time counts in critical recall time

Say your critical recall time is 3 minutes, and you want to use a specific programming pattern, like function factory in elisp. It is possible that you can’t recall all critical points for writing function factory in elisp(using fest, using ` and ,, when to use defmacro, when to use defun), but if you can retrieve the reference and finish reading it in 3 minutes, you should be able to use that piece of knowledge with no friction


Notes on general living. Includes way of work and leisure

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 23:23