faith in science is no difference than faith in god
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faith is a set of assumptions
Although in science some assumptions and hypothesis can be proven wrong(the earth should be flat, “here’s what’s happening inside an atom”, etc.), there’s some assumptions that can not be shaken, such as “world is a public object; everyone is interacting with the same world” and “physics rules of world do not change”, “what we have observed is truthful”, or how logic reasoning works. This small set of assumptions is the faith in science
Reflect on the faith in god, which is what faith first emerges or predominantly emerged in the cultural world, it is also a set of assumption that cannot be shaken - “[you should] love your neighbor”, “[you should] present your right cheek”, “you should not inbreed” etc.
Therefore, the faith in science is no difference than faith in god, in that in nature they are both set of assumptions that are defined to be used rather than changed.
However, there is difference of faith in science and in god in term of their size and domain, and specificly, their specificity