difference of faith in science and in god
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The difference between faith in science and in god, I figure, is the size and domain they included.
1. Science
the faith of science includes only a very small number of assumptions, (can be termed in 2 or 3 atomic assumptions, if using the popular definition of science provided by logical positivism or empricism), like “knoledge is only true if it could be verified to be true” “entity exist only if it can be observed” etc.
They are very abstract, parametrized so that they can stay true with more observations(which is a bit of cheating). As result, they render lots of other domains (other than “how to very knowledge” or “how to judge what is true”, the picking of which is also bit of cheating; it’s like playing football (with other faith schools) and decide “i’m going to write the part of rule deciding who scores” and writes “which ever gate have ball init, the science school scores 1”) arbitary(can be changed; knowledge of it could be modified)
2. God
The faith of various religions(the main ones) includes lots of stuffs.
The impression I have on them is that they are basically termed before concept of knowledge become relevent, and they just compiled a collection of informations from various places, and they stick to it without changing it. They sure comes from people and daily wisdoms, so “love your neighbor” - there’s no concept of neighbor in the faith of science, nor is there “cheek” and “adultery”. Science didn’t even specify if any god could exist (so if some of them exist, science could still hold unbeatable - those cheating bastards!)
faith in science is no difference than faith in god
faith is a set of assumptions
Although in science some assumptions and hypothesis can be proven wrong(the earth should be flat, “here’s what’s happening inside an atom”, etc.), there’s some assumptions that can not be shaken, such as “world is a public object; everyone is interacting with the same world” and “physics rules of world do not change”, “what we have observed is truthful”, or how logic reasoning works. This small set of assumptions is the faith in science
Reflect on the faith in god, which is what faith first emerges or predominantly emerged in the cultural world, it is also a set of assumption that cannot be shaken - “[you should] love your neighbor”, “[you should] present your right cheek”, “you should not inbreed” etc.
Therefore, the faith in science is no difference than faith in god, in that in nature they are both set of assumptions that are defined to be used rather than changed.
However, there is difference of faith in science and in god in term of their size and domain, and specificly, their specificity