3 minute rule

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If a chore can be done in 3 mintues, just go ahead and do it.


my GTD integration

(Important Notice - only engage from todo list)

The most important thing in the GTD method is that you don’t do thing from top of your mind (unless the 3 minute rule applies). It always gets into your capture, then gets into your todo list, and then go through research, and then be picked up to be engaged.

I’m going to repeat another time: You Only Do Things From Todo List (YODTFTL, in abbr.)

Violation of this code, in my experience, often result in abandonment of the system.

for me, it’s almost always the sequence doing stuff from top of my head -> get too engaged for hours -> tired, skipping agenda, straight to entertainment -> binge-watching until bed time -> stay up late -> tired wake up -> doing stuff from top of mind -> loop. When these does happen, it normally will take me about 2 to 3 days to recover, in during which I’ll be tired, unpleasant, and not very productive.

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-03 Wed 23:24