senses initiated lucid dream
Table of Contents
An technique developed by community lead by Cosmiciron(whoes day job is film director and hobby includes very expansive electric guitar) starting at around 2011 in Dream Ba and Cosmiciron Ba sections of Chinese forum Baidu Tieba.
1. Methodology
Use Cycle to adjust bodily state to one that lucid dream would be more likely to happen naturally.
2. Cycle
Cycle is the basic unit of the technique.
A Cycle includes 3 steps:
- focus on Sight
- close eye, relax, and pay attention to the darkness, to see if you see stuff
- focus on Hearing
- shift attention to the sounds. usually you can hear heartbeat or background noise to start with
- focus on Somesthetic Senses
- shift attention to body, touch, muscle, temprature, heartbeat, etc.
3. Steps (application)
combine with wake back to back method
- sleep early (~23:00) and set alarm to wake in 4-5 hour
- after waking, stay awake for 5-10 minutes, could rinse mouth, do a bit of strech
- back in bed, cycle quickly for 4-6 sets
- cycle slowly for 1-3 sets. This is where trips would happen, you’d see stuff, hear sounds that’s only in you head.
- sleep. (then hopefully lucid dream would just happen.)
4. Links
Lucid Dream refers to the kind of dreams where:
- you know that you are dreaming
- you have control over something(your action, entities around you)
Lucid Dream refers to the kind of dreams where:
- you know that you are dreaming
- you have control over something(your action, entities around you)