Ballie ::: Developmental Labs Whitepaper
Table of Contents
1. next action
P5, section 3 section 3, where how information is effectively acquired is going to be discussed
2. Spectrums of learning methods
- axis 1
- how new information is internally modifying the system - the learning mechanism
- axis 2
- how new information is effectively acquired and fed into the system
3. Differentiability - Current Mainstream
Differentiable learning - learning mechanisms that is based on differentiable representation (or parameterization) of the solution space, and performing gradient decent on it.
- caveats:
- assumption of continous solution space (hash function not)
- large solution space - require heuristic to guide the search
…focus on handling only solution spaces that happen to allow gradient computation… – page 3
4. differentiable functions function vs program
- programs
- could be binary decision tree, DSL, python, lisp…
- desireable properties
- discrete in structure -> mutation, a local non-gradient based exploration of solutions
- compositional -> crossover
- hierarchical -> program could combine to new, more complex program -> expressive power
- hybridization of program and differentialbe programming
- navigating program space - use LLM to generate programs
- oracle/fitness function - use LLM to supervise genetic algorithm as fitness/realistic/likelihood computer/calculator
5. Corrections
- the 1.1 section should be section 2
- typo - P5, just before section 3 - but it is essentially trying to recover something that is already
agiven in the natural initial form of the input data
Here’s a script to insert multiple org-roam nodes
(defun hermanhel-strings-to-hash (strings) "Convert a list of STRINGS to a hash table with the strings as keys." (let ((hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (dolist (str strings) (puthash str t hash)) hash)) (defun hermanhel-org-roam-insert-multiple-nodes-as-list () (interactive) (let ( (candidates (hermanhel-strings-to-hash (org-roam--get-titles))) (selected-nodes (citar--select-multiple "References: " candidates)) ) (dolist (title selected-nodes) (insert "+ " "[[roam:" title "]]" "\n") ) ) )