closeness centrality
Table of Contents
- notation
- network \(G\) with node set \(V\) and link set \(E\)
- \(dist(v,u)\) between nodes \(v\) and \(u\)
- definition \[ l_v = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{u\in V}dist(v,u) \]
- interpretation average distance of the node to every other node in the network
1. remarks
- a global property - need global information
- when \(l_v\) is small, the node is close to everyone
- All \(l_v\) values are close to each other
2. centrality
measuring node centrality
There are a few of measurements
- notation
- \(l_v\) - closeness centrality
- definition centrality of \(v\) is: \[ C_v = \frac{1}{l_v} \]
- cautious - when 2 node are not connected, the value \(\frac{1}{dist(v,u)} = 0\)