Table of Contents

autmented finite state machine are finite state machines with:

1. comment: it’s basically just a network of processors   ATTACH

each state in finite state machine is already associated with a bunch of simple behaviours like “turn left one degree after another”. In finite state machine, you can only go to a state and there’s only 1 type of behaviour that it will enact, so the script is constant, or if the behaviour implemented with a state aims for a state of equilibrium, it will just get to that state.

With complex variable in each behaviour state and perhaps the whole layer, it’s basically just a network of processors.

See the avoid module’s definition: _20240401_171540screenshot.png _20240401_171558screenshot.png

2. AFSM and arbitator

one way to implement the AFSM in high level



(2024 > 04 - April > <2024-04-01 Mon>)

in 04/01/24 to 04/02/24, created 5 nodes

Author: Linfeng He

Created: 2024-04-05 Fri 02:24